Search Results - victor+vasquez

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Methods for Wet Torrefaction of a Biomass
BackgroundLignocellulosic biomass is an important and abundant source of renewable energy. However, difficulties in transportation and handling cause issues with the commercialization of its use, due to its low bulk density and tendency to rot if not stored properly. Thermochemical pretreatment through a process of wet torrefaction increases the mass...
Published: 7/18/2018   |   Updated: 7/18/2018   |   Inventor(s): Charles Coronella, Victor Vasquez, Mohammad Reza, Wei Yan
Category(s): Energy & Renewables
Electrical Power from Wastewater Sludge
The U.S. generates 8 million dry metric tons of sludge each year. The costs of disposing this sludge are roughly $2 billion dollars annually and the EPA spends about 1/5th of their budget ($1.4 billion dollars) on wastewater management. For individual wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), ‘dewatering’ the sludge is one of the primary operating costs....
Published: 12/27/2017   |   Updated: 2/9/2012   |   Inventor(s): Charles Coronella, Victor Vasquez
Keywords(s): Renewable Energy
Category(s): Energy & Renewables, Environment & Sustainability